Critical Race Theory and the Oligarchy

Marriage of Convenience, Marriage of Control

Kevin Ray Hadlock
9 min readMay 10, 2021

Throughout the history of the United States, black Americans have excelled. From Bunker Hill’s Salem Poor, to inventor Henry Blair, to statesman Frederick Douglas, to abolitionist Harriett Tubman, to the Tuskegee Airmen, to the civil rights heroes Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., to SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas, to economist Thomas Sowell, to journalist Clarence Page, on down to brilliant Oakland Technical High senior Ahmed Muhammad, there have been millions of people of color in this country who have distinguished themselves by their excellence, tenacity, and accomplishment. These have included actors, astronauts, athletes, and attorneys, teachers, writers, and zoologists, and every occupation starting with each letter of the alphabet in between. Each of these individuals has dialed up our Constitution’s promise, a hope of the American dream, and an aspiration for liberty, equality, and justice. All achieved, and blessed the lives of many others in the process.

Now, contrast these millions of examples of success, courage, and surpassing merit with the current odious lie that achievement is racist, that merit is a deception, and that both are legacies of virulent “white supremacy” that must be erased to increase “equity” for…black Americans. Welcome to the backwards, disconnected, dishonest, dystopian world of critical race theory (CRT).1

CRT’s denial of black Americans’ inherent resilience and ability to succeed, and of the central role and value of achievement in their lives, is at the heart of what makes CRT intellectually vacuous and logically, fatally, flawed. Rather than employ our nation’s enabling doctrines and ideals in the battle to mop up actual racism, it goes against and seeks to purge every one of those inspired, brilliant, liberty-laced founding principles; it destroys reason, optimism, human rights, individuality, and individual worth; and, it intentionally breeds division, mistrust, and hatred, all in a cruel heist of black American concerns.

By so doing, CRT works against the interests of black Americans, and is clearly NOT a path that any serious person would choose in an effort to help them, or to heal racial wounds or generate social harmony, or to otherwise improve life for anyone.

So, what is CRT good for? Or, more accurately, what is its real objective?

As explained at length in the several references I’ve listed under footnote 1 herein, it turns out CRT’s unapologetic goal is nothing less than to support and drive the upheaval and civil discord necessary for disintegrating our constitutional republic and replacing it with a communist state. It is based in somewhat pedestrian Marxist tactics, but replaces class envy and victimhood (which don’t fly in Western societies) with an explosive form of race envy and victimhood. A study of CRT’s history, doctrines, and tactics — as documented by both its detractors and its devotees — makes this inescapably clear, and its advocates bank on the incredulity, guilt, and/or passivity of the rest of us to keep it moving forward.

And that’s precisely where CRT intersects with (or, better stated, marries) the Oligarchy.2

As Angelo Codevilla notes in his January 19, 2021 essay, “government and big business tend to coalesce into socialism in theory, Oligarchy in practice.” In past takeovers, oligarchs used Marxism to gain and hold power while enriching themselves. In today’s America, the oligarchs are using a whole host of authoritarian devices (categorized in part by Codevilla and separately by Victor Davis Hanson3). All are sinister, and, taken together, amount to nothing less than a war on the freedoms of US citizens. Of all these, race-based Marxist tactics in the form of CRT are among the most insidious.

When you blow away all the fog surrounding it and its purported benevolence, CRT is really nothing more than a different form of masks and lockdowns, a tool of suppression, repression, and division designed to enhance the grip of the Oligarchy on the rest of us. As Codevilla notes:

“Corporations, and the government itself, require employees to attend meetings personally to acknowledge their guilt. They solicit mutual accusations. While violent felons are released from prison, anyone may be fired or otherwise have his life wrecked for questioning government/corporate sentiment. Today’s rulers don’t try to convince. They demand obedience, and they punish.”

And when it comes to the Oligarchy’s use of CRT in implementing this strategy, there are hundreds of examples. Consider the following, brought to light just last week:

“The Walt Disney Corporation famously bills its amusement parks as “the happiest place on Earth,” but inside the company’s headquarters in Burbank, California, a conflict is brewing. In the past year, Disney executives have elevated the ideology of critical race theory into a new corporate dogma, bombarded employees with trainings on “systemic racism,” “white privilege,” “white fragility,” and “white saviors,” and launched racially segregated “affinity groups” at the company’s headquarters.”4

Under the glare of such light, CRT can be seen for what it actually is — a contrived pandemic of so-called systemic racism designed to induce innocent, trusting, gullible, fearful, idealistic white people (and so-called “white adjacent” people when they serve the narrative) to guilt themselves into race-baited sackcloth and ashes, and then beg forgiveness of the oligarchs, an act which requires them to cancel themselves. Given that CRT is a poison dart aimed straight at the heart of accomplishment, merit, and personal progress, this is all meant, clearly, to benefit the Oligarchy, not black Americans, and to promote the Marxist brand of totalitarian control it is crafting.

Insane, right? But, if CRT is so obviously nothing more than a tool of the Oligarchy — malevolent Marxism’s modern mask and method — how did we, as a society, allow ourselves to get sucked into this madness, and to such an alarming degree? As the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal recently wrote:

“Time was when political activism in business was controversial. But in these hyper-political times, refusing to turn your company into a workplace of the woke can make you a target.”5

So, how did we go full circle, to where the cure for racism has become the act of being resolutely racist; where to achieve equality means to become grotesquely unequal; and where to heal means to destroy?

How did we get to the place where soul-crushing, hope-dousing, freedom-stealing, prosperity-evaporating, religion-hating, opportunity-squashing, CRT-coated Communism has replaced liberty, independence, free enterprise, individual rights, equality, representative government, and God Himself as our aspirational doctrine?

How did roads, trees, and automatic soap dispensers — or white babies the instant they first draw breath — suddenly become racist? How do people who make such preposterous claims not realize how vapid and unintelligent they make themselves sound?

How did we go from Dr. King’s inspirational colorblind society to CRT’s insidious color-based agenda. And, in the process, how did we go from celebrating and elevating and enabling the American Dream for our black brothers and sisters — not as “white saviors”, but as partners — to dashing their hopes, telling them they’re not even smart enough to acquire picture ID, and incessantly pounding into their heads the utter lie that the world is against them, leaving diminished standards and, worse, violent revolution as their only ways forward?

How have we let race-baiting undermine unity, right at a time when — after nearly 250 years of hard-fought national effort — so many racial bridges have been crossed? Indeed, of those who push CRT and its false tenet of “systemic racism”, black American Glenn Loury, the Merton P. Stoltz Professor of the Social Sciences and Professor of Economics at Brown University, says the following:

“They ignore the following truth: that America has basically achieved equal opportunity in terms of race. We have chased away the Jim Crow bugaboo, not just with laws but also by widespread social customs, practices, and norms. When Democrats call a Georgia voter integrity law a resurgence of Jim Crow, it is nothing more than a lie. Everybody knows there is no real Jim Crow to be found anywhere in America.”6

In short, how did we literally go from ‘I love my country’, to ‘I hate my country’? And why in the world would any freedom-loving American want us to go there?

It’s as if someone ripped open the very gates of stupid and a mad bunch of our fellow citizens and institutions rushed breathlessly in.

But, see, that’s just it. CRT smashing into our collective consciousness has neither been random, nor some inevitable progression of the traditional civil rights movement, nor the work of freedom-loving Americans. It’s not a coincidence of intersectionality in place and time. It’s all part of a plan…the Oligarchy’s plan for dominance and control.

Almost all of CRT and the division, tribalism, cancel culture, heightened racism, and societal torture it brings can be laid at the feet of the Oligarchy. How can I make that claim? Because only the Oligarchy has at its command the requisite government levers (“elected” leaders, DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, USPS, etc.), seemingly unending shiploads of Marxist-indoctrinated elites from our best (i.e., most corrupt) universities, academic buy-in and near 100% complicity, a broad-based communications network and info ops capability (via the media, both corporate and social), and a butcher’s unrepentant malice toward — and outright disdain for — America’s citizens. All of these forces are required for the kind of super-heated, sustained assault we’re experiencing. The Oligarchy’s demonstrated willingness to suppress opposing viewpoints, censor speech, jail hundreds of political opponents on spurious charges, and turn a blind eye to riots and other insurrectionist activities perpetrated by those working on their behalf, is of a piece with, and in some cases worse than, tactics used by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Castro (among others) in the last century, and Chavez, Maduro, and Xi in this one.

You need examples? Really?

How about the Oligarchy’s breathtaking control of the COVID-19 narrative and its willingness to literally kill Americans, destroy their livelihoods, constrain our food supply at the producer level, and divide us all into virulently competing camps over masks, lockdowns, and vaccinations? (Believe me, the Oligarchy is loving this.)

Or how about the 2020 presidential election, and the vainglorious admissions by key members of the Oligarchy to having colluded over many months — beginning long before the advent of COVID-19 — to illicitly steer the election Joe Biden’s way under the ruse of ‘protecting democracy’?7

Or how about the Oligarchy using that January 6th four-hour, weaponless disturbance at the Capitol as a way to stigmatize and destroy political rivals — including our previous president and numerous members of Congress — and anyone else (i.e., “conservatives”) opposing it, in the same way Hitler used the contrived Reichstag Fire as the emotional, inciting event to justify immediate, ruthless consolidation of his and the Nazi’s hold on Germany, and as a pretext for rounding up and punishing non-Nazis?

The Oligarchy has done much, much more damage than the above over the past five years, but these three actions alone have given them vastly expanded control of our lives, our words, and our very thoughts, not least by conditioning us to accept that control and to play along, even unconsciously censoring ourselves. Just like they planned.

And, so, we now stand witness as CRT, adroitly adorned in an opaque wedding veil, takes its place at the altar of totalitarian tactics, the perfect bride to the Oligarchy’s groom. It misrepresents its motives and intended beneficiaries. It demeans and uses black Americans as pawns, and hurts the very people it purports to help. It intentionally divides and wounds while deceitfully claiming unity and healing. It concentrates power and stifles initiative, even purpose. It bludgeons families and family ties, individuals and individuality. And it destroys liberty, promise, and optimism.

In short, CRT is the worst kind of lie, told by the worst kind of liar.

We need to stop the spread of the lie.

And we need to stop fearing the liar, the Oligarchy.

We need to push back…through state legislatures, through school boards, and through the election of enlightened, fearless candidates at all levels. We need to work through the courts, have judges’ backs in the face of very real threats from the oligarchs, and embolden them to enforce the Constitution they’ve sworn to protect.

The stakes could not possibly be higher.

Because CRT services only the Oligarchy, whether or not such was that fraud’s original intent. The Oligarchy is in charge now, and CRT couldn’t be happier with the arrangement, this purposeful, convenient marriage of control and controller. And together, the happy couple is destroying our representative republic…what is left of it.


1 If you’re not yet up to speed on what CRT is, kindly consult any or all of the following links (there are myriad others, as well):

· Christopher F. Rufo:

· Jonathon Butcher and Mike Gonzalez:

· James Lindsay:

· Ross Kaminsky:

2 These two essays by Angelo Codevilla provide an excellent background on the Oligarchy currently ruling the United States of America: and






