Thanksgiving, 1621–2021

To My Heroes, William Bradford and William Brewster

Kevin Ray Hadlock
2 min readNov 25, 2021

Every year around Thanksgiving, as I research and learn more and more, I grow increasingly proud of my direct lineage to William Bradford and William Brewster, primary characters among the Pilgrims of the Mayflower. In direct contradiction to today’s drive to turn America into the raceocracy being spoon-fed our youth by the heinous Communists who dominate our K-12 education system, academia, and corporate media, those men cultivated vision, exhibited integrity, endured horrific loss and privation, and worked tirelessly across racial lines to etch their toehold in America.

This generation’s hard-core Marxists like Howard Zinn, Derrick Bell, Duncan Kennedy, Kimberle Crenshaw, Richard Delgado, Nicole Hannah-Jones, Robin DiAngelo, and Abram X Kendi have sacrificed nothing and contributed little more than self-aggrandizing grievance to the American experience, a rogues’ gallery of whiners, blamers, history imagineers, and hate-stokers with nothing on the line, no skin in the game, and only the next speaking fee or book deal at risk. Looking back over 400 years, they would have us see nothing but destitution and oppression, when history actually shows that America (and Americans of all colors) — through much pain, loss, error, and the spilled blood of several hundred thousand emancipating Civil War soldiers — dealt racism mortal wounds, finally resulting in what Andrew Sullivan recently called “the largest, freest, most successful multiracial democracy in human history.”[1]

The hard-won legacies of Bradford and Brewster survived 400 years because those men actually sacrificed and did something, something grand that yielded massive human progress, dignity, and liberty. The vacuous, detestable efforts of Zinn, et al, to erase those legacies from the hearts and minds of freedom-loving people — and especially our children — are destined to fail, sooner or later.

In a very real way, those of us who love America find ourselves sailing against contrived but stiff headwinds in our own Mayflower in 2021. The seas roiled by the lies and psyops of the whining, self-serving elite, along with the complete surrender and complicity of our educator class, are bitter, malevolent forces determined to drive us from our Plymouth Rock and never again allow us safe harbor.

But we come from sterner stuff. We are the Bradfords and the Brewsters. We’ve navigated these shores before — yes, in equally terrible desperation — and we will navigate them, successfully, again.



1 What Happened To You? | Andrew Sullivan |

